1. The name of the club is East Anglia Fly Fishing Club, henceforth in this document to be known as The Club.
2. The Club will be affiliated to the Angling Trust and will adopt the rules and codes where appropriate.
3. The club is a non-profit making organisation. All profit and surpluses will be used to maintain or improve the club’s venues. No profit or surplus will be distributed other than to another non-profit making body or to members on winding up or dissolution of the club.
4. The Constitution, Aims and Objectives can only be amended at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or at Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), by properly debated proposals and a two thirds majority vote at the meeting. The club rules can be altered by a simple majority vote at the meeting.
5. Throughout the document the singular includes the plural, the masculine include the feminine and vice versa.
1. To promote and encourage the sport of Fly Fishing and to ensure a duty of care to all members of the club, making sure that it meets the objectives of the members.
2. To ensure the safe handling of fish, protection of wildlife and the clubs venues.
3. To purchase, lease, rent or otherwise obtain waters and provide fishing and access rights for the members.
4. To ensure an on-going commitment to the fair treatment of all anglers with no discrimination of any kind.
5. It is the responsibility of all club members to read and familiarise themselves with the constitution, rules and codes of conduct of the Club.
1. Membership of the club is open to anyone interested in Fly Fishing, regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.
2. All members will be subject to the regulations of the constitution and by joining the club will be deemed to accept these regulations and codes of practice that the club has adopted.
3. Members agree, by paying of membership fees, that the committee are authorised to act on their behalf when entering into purchasing, contracts and agreements concerning The Club and its legitimate business.
4. The committee reserve the right to approve or refuse membership with no explanation given.
5. Members are responsible for their own actions and omissions, members should consider their activities and impact they may have on other anglers, members of the public and the environment. The club accepts no responsibilities for any such actions or omissions.
6. Membership numbers, categories and price will be set by the Committee.
7. Only members over the age of 18 are allowed to vote at AGM/EGMs.
8. Member must keep the Club updated of any change of details. It is the member’s responsibility to keep their records correct.
9. Junior members must have an existing member who is responsible for them and can only be unaccompanied by an adult on the venues with permission of the committee.
10. All members fishing club waters will produce a current membership card and current rod licence(s) on demand by any member of the club.
11. Membership will cease by: A. Resignation. B. Expulsion. C. Non-payment of fees / registration.
12. The Club shall not be dissolved whilst there are 30 members and then only by a postal vote with 75% of members in favour of the resolution. If dissolved then any surplus funds, after debts and liabilities are settled, will be divided between the adult members on the clubs records at the time that the resolution was first called.
13. The club year is from 16th March to 15th March the following year for standard membership and 1st March to 28th February the following year for the Catfish add on membership.
14. Any access keys remain the property of the club and must be returned when a member leaves, a refund will be given.
1. The affairs and running of The Club shall be controlled by the Committee, consisting of a minimum of 3 members. The executive officers are the Chairwoman, Secretary and Treasurer.
2. Members wishing to stand for election must be proposed and seconded and have been a member for at least 3 years. The submission must be in writing/email with the secretary by 28th February.
3. The committee will vet nominations for committee posts.
4. Committee members will be elected, or their office ratified at AGM. They will be accountable to the members of the Club and can stand for re-election each year.
5. All committee members and official Bailiffs get free standard membership while in their position. This is in recognition of the difficult and often complex nature of the work that they do for the Club.
6. The financial year for The Club will run from 1st March to the end of February each year.
7. The AGM must be called within 3 months after the end of the financial year. All notification of motions and proposals for the AGM must be in writing and with Secretary by the end of February and must have a proposer and a seconder, both must be full members. There will be no business at the AGM other than that on the agenda. Time will be permitted at the close of meeting for general discussion without minute or vote
8. The committee shall meet at a time and date set by the secretary, with at least 7 days’ notice given before the meeting. There will be a minimum of 1 committee meetings per year.
9. The committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of the rules and the decision of the committee on all matters will be final and binding upon all members.
10. The committee has the powers and authority to act, on behalf of The Club, in all matters, including the addition of new rules and rule changes (to be ratified at AGM). They have the power and authority to purchase, rent and loan tools, equipment, waters and all things necessary for the smooth running and wellbeing of the club.
11. The Committee has delegated powers to enter into contracts and agreements on behalf of the Club. These contracts and agreements are to be reported to the next AGM following their agreement but no financial figures with reference to rents and leases, including bids in progress will be given.
12. The committee, acting as authorised, are entitled to indemnity from the members and will be indemnified against any risk and expense reasonably incurred on behalf of the Club.
13. All matters under discussion and notification relating to The Club will be treated in the strictest confidence until announced to the membership by way of the correct committee channels via the clubs Social Media channels.
14. Attendance records will be kept, members who miss 2 consecutive meetings will be asked for an explanation. If the explanation does not satisfy the committee then the member may be asked to stand down.
15. The committee can co-opt any paid up member onto the committee but they are temporary until ratified by the AGM. They cannot hold executive office unless it is for the position of Treasurer. The number co-opted cannot exceed the total number of committee members and they can vote on committee matters.
16. The committee may ask anyone, member or not to assist in the work of The Club, but they will not gain preferential treatment from the committee and will have no voting rights.
17. All AGM and EGM meetings will be set by committee with a minimum of 2 weeks’ notice, via the clubs website and Social Media channels.
18. Quorum for meetings will be a minimum of 2 members. Written minutes must always be taken for the meeting to have any binding effect.
19. Should any executive officers post become vacant during the year the committee will be responsible for the appointment of a replacement, to be ratified at the next AGM.
20. The Committee shall be authorised to approve reimbursement of such costs and expenses incurred by the Officers and Officials of The Club in pursuance of the Club’s work and business. They shall receive the benefit of free membership whilst undertaking their duties.
21. On relinquishing the post all Officers and Officials must pay relevant members fees as designated by the Committee.
The officers of The Club will up to 5 people and must agree to represent the best interests of the club and its members and to abide and support all resolutions that are democratically agreed by the committee.
Will be responsible for keeping order at meetings, holding the committee together and acting as a point of contact for the membership. Holds the casting vote in the event of a tied vote. Will be elected by the membership and will be responsible to the committee and to the membership in all actions and decisions.
Will act as chairman in the event of the absence of the chairwoman, with the full powers that the office holds. Will be elected by the committee and be responsible to the chairwoman.
The Committee, if they cannot appoint a financial person to the role of Treasurer, e.g. accountant or book auditor must allow and pay for the member taking on the role to acquire proper knowledge of the requirements of book keeping. At the very least he must be instructed by the appointed Accountants of the Club. Will be elected by the committee, who will notify the membership and will be responsible to the chairwoman. Will be responsible for all monies, banking and financial records of The Club. Will organise statements and balance accounts for committee meetings and arrange yearly reporting accounts for the membership at the AGM. The Treasurer may be removed/suspended from office on the joint authorisation of the committee. Such a move must be reported to the membership within one calendar month at a specially convened EGM
Membership Secretary
Will be responsible for all matters pertaining to membership. Will keep all records and issue all membership cards. Will be elected by the committee and be responsible to the chairwoman.
Health and Safety Advisor
Will be responsible for risk assessment, safety, providing information/advice on health and safety issues, maintaining and recording information/advice for the committee and the membership. Will be responsible for advising compliance with health and safety law within the club. Will be elected by the committee and be responsible to the chairwoman.
Committee Officers of the Club
Each officer will be elected by the committee and be responsible to the chairwoman.
1. All financial transactions conducted on behalf of the Club, shall be in pursuance of the objectives of the Club.
2. All monies and transactions carried out by the Officials on behalf of the Club shall be properly recorded, banked and the appropriate details/documentation etc. shall be given to the treasurer.
3. Membership fees and subscriptions will be duly recorded with the members name, membership number and amount paid. The membership card will act as receipt of payment.
4. All monies etc, will be banked promptly in properly organised bank account approved by the Committee and opened in the Clubs name.
5. Withdrawals can be made by any 2 from 3 nominated and approved signatories from the Committee. One signatory must be the Treasurer, although does not always have to sign, they must be the only one to issue said document/payment. Online bank transfers of over £400 (figure to be set by the committee in line with inflation) must be approved by the Secretary and Chairman. All online transactions must be witnessed by the club Chairman and Secretary and be audited by using official club email/Stripe account.
6. All monies collected and expended on behalf of the Club shall be evidenced by proper accounts, bills or documentation that will satisfy any audit as to its validity.
7. The accounts of the Club shall, at a reasonable time, be open to inspection by club members but not the details of rentals, leases or any confidential matters etc. Accounts should be presented at any official meeting of the Club or Committee.
8. All financial records must be retained for a minimum of 7 years.
1. The Club shall, at the AGM, appoint by way of resolution a properly qualified Reporting Accountant.
2. The Committee may appoint an interim Reporting Accountant if the vacancy occurs before the AGM. Such an appointment is to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and details to be reported to the next AGM.
3. The Reporting Accountant shall make a report to the Club on the Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheets of the Club examined by them for the year of account for which they have been appointed.
4. Such accounts, balance sheets and reporting accounts shall be presented at the next AGM of the Club.
5. Revenue accounts, balance sheets and reporting accounts must be retained for a minimum of 7 years.
1. All complaints and grievances must be made in writing via email to the chairwoman and be dealt with by an appointed committee member. An initial response or acknowledgment will normally be made within 2 weeks.
2. Any complaints or grievances that cannot be resolved immediately will be subject to the clubs disciplinary procedure “Disciplinary Procedure ddmmyyyy.doc” which is held by the Secretary.
3. The committee has the right to suspend or dismiss any angler who, in the opinion of the committee breaks the rules, or acts in a manner not in keeping with the good name and interests of The Club.
1. All valid members can ask to be shown proof of membership.
2. Official club Bailiffs are officers of The Club and should be treated as such by the membership. They are the clubs representatives on the bank and will carry Bailiff Cards. They should be approachable and offer sound and practical advice to members if required.
3. They will inspect membership cards and licences on production of their card. Any person without a current membership card will be asked to join the club while the bailiff waits for the online application/payment to be completed. If the angler refuses, they will be asked to leave. The membership numbers of those checked should be noted and a list submitted to the committee upon request.
4. Abuse of a bailiff by any member will be reported to the committee will have their membership revoked with no refund of membership fee.
5. Bailiffs are authorised to check tackle, including terminal tackle already in the water, to see that it complies with club rules. They can also ask to check vehicles for any equipment that may potentially be used to transport fish. Any rule infringements should be pointed out to the member. Serious and repeated cases will be reported to the committee.
6. Bailiffs are responsible for regular venue reports, including water conditions, number of anglers fishing and notable catches.
7. Bailiffs of The Club shall receive the benefit of free membership whilst undertaking their duties.
Under the provision of 1984 data protection act, any person may request a copy, or be able to see, on payment of a reasonable admin fee of £5.00, any and all information held by The Club concerning the said individual.
2. All other personal data is protected and will be sold to any parties unless required to by law.
3. Some membership details are passed to certain owners of leased venues to assist with anti-poaching.
4. Personal data will be deleted should a member leave the club or be removed from the waiting list, unless required in pursuit of Club disciplinary matters.
5. All Personal data that is held is done so in order to manage club membership or for members safety.