Zander (Stizostedion lucioperca) are a member of the perch family but with the predatory feeding behavior of the pike. The zander is closely related to perch. Zander are often called pike-perch as they resemble the pike with their elongated body and head, and the perch with their spiny dorsal fin. Zander are not, as is commonly believed, a pike and perch hybrid. If you already target Pike, you probably already have the gear to target Zander.
Below is a break down of things you’ll need to start targeting Zander.
– Fly Rod weight: 9 Weight with a fast action to cope with casting the bigger flies.
– Reel: 9 weight large arbor with a good drag..
– Fly Lines: 9 weight with the weight forward in Intermediate & sink.
– Leader: 20 lbs up to 6-8 feet long.
– Trace: Only use wire trace if Pike are present.
– Trace to fly: Various clips are used, make sure they are good for up to 30lbs. Quick twist or fast link are quick to swap flies. If clips aren’t your thing, Use a good knot from the knots section.
– Fly: Similar patterns to Pike but on size 1-2/0 hooks.
– Net: Rubber mesh type are best.
– Unhooking Mat: A must if you are fishing on hard dry ground or concrete. Some fisheries/events have strict rules that you must have one with you. Best to check with them before you go.
– Forceps/Pliers: Yes, Zander have sharp teeth.
– Unhooking glove: Not required
Tips for Zander
– Get the fly down deep, almost bouncing off the bottom