Saturday 21st December

Kick start the Christmas festivities with a social Pike Fly Fishing day at the EAFF club new lake. This is more of a social than a competition & is OPEN to non club members as ALL of our events are.
Entry fee: £5 on the day
Book in by & Start: 0900, Finish time: 1300.
More information can be found on the Facebook event, just click on the Facebook logo above.


– Trophy for biggest bag weight.


– Only 1 pike fly can be used, loose it & you’re out.
– Max time you can spend on a peg is 30 mins, then move.
– Total highest “bag” weight wins.
– Valid Fishing Licence on you if you get asked by EA/Bailiff.
– Suitable bite proofing (wire etc).
– Pike sized landing net.
– Pike sized Unhooking pliers/forceps.
– Only Fly rods/reels/lines can be used on this event.
– Pike flies only, No “spinner Lures” or nose weighted Jigs.

Accommodation in the area.

AirBnB, search for West Row (nearest Village)

Make a weekend of it?

The area has several pike rich waters & here are some to have a look at:
East Anglia Fly Fishing.
Cambridge Fish Preservation and Angling Society.
Littleport Angling Assoc
Kings Lynn Angling Assoc
Welney Angling Club *check if the wash is not flooded*


Overhead Power Cables are in the area that you’ll be fishing. You MUST be aware of where your casting while near over head cables & MUST be aware that electricity can JUMP GAPS if your line is close enough!

For more info go to the FaceBook event.